We see our fans at concerts every year. We always look forward to them and firmly believe that they too are looking forward to us. Of course, a meeting in the Garden is something else entirely. We see each other in a different environment, we meet former members, family members, foreign fans and most importantly they all meet each other, which is not possible at individual concerts in different parts of Europe.
For the past two years, at the time of the covid, the meeting in the Garden had been appeased, but it was always limited, and a lot of foreign fans were unable to come. We are not expecting any restrictions so far this year, so we hope that we will all meet at...... ?

!!!!! G A R D E N P A R T Y 2022 !!!!! on 24.9.2022 at 14.00 hrs.
As we are approaching the very important anniversary of the founding of our group (an unreal 50 years), we want to introduce you to the course of the celebrations, discuss some topics with you, ask for your help in gathering historical information about the band and we will listen to other ideas....
As always, the programme will be varied and entertaining, we will welcome musical guests, we will play and sing on request and there will be no shortage of draft beer, whisky, refreshments prepared by the band
Come all to have fun, drink, sing and most importantly M E E T !!! Accommodation is offered as always by Pension AYKY. We would welcome you to report your involvement with tel. 777208477