In Octobre 2019 our band took part in a US competition Texas Sounds International Country Music Awards. The event is held annually in a beautiful historic city of Jefferson in Texas.
A tour in the USA had been our lifetime dream and ambition and finally we were there!
Bands from all over the world were competing in this great 4-day festival. The represented countries were for example: the Czech Republic, Mexico, Spain, Great Britain, Austria Denmark, Kenya, Eswatini, USA and others. The Country Sisters did very well!
We scored 3 times in total and brought back to the Czech Republic three awards:
*People´s Choice*
*Entertainers of the Year*
*Outstanding Production of the Year*
We appreciate this success very much and we are absolutely excited about it! Texas Sounds is a great event with a real country spirit, great people, perfect atmosphere and of course, a bunch of super country music played by bands from all over the world. Our performances were visited by our fans from various parts of the USA. For all of them it was the first chance to see the Country Sisters live in the USA and they travelled thousands of miles in order not to miss this opportunity.
Reactions of the audience to our show were very positive and many spectators mentioned that we brought in something they had never seen before and we gave them a completely new non-traditional view of American Country Music.
We are grateful for receiving an official invitation to come back to this wonderul event in 2020 again - we will be happy to come!
In this context, we would like to announce that we are open to new offers for concerts all over the USA in September/Octobre 2020, because we are currently planning to organize a much bigger tour there!
Great news! American Fan Club is now being set up and soon we will encourage all our US fans to join in!